Microbial products

Microbtima plantangra

Микробтима плантангра
  • Contains free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria Azotobacter in spore form, which play an important role in nature's nitrogen cycle

  • Fixes ammonium ion from the atmosphere where nitrogen is unavailable to plants and releases it into the soil, making it available to plants

  • Activates and supports microbiological processes in the soil

  • Stimulates plants to produce antibiotics that inhibit soil and plant pathogens

  • A natural anti-stress agent

  • Increases seed germination

  • Increases the length of roots and shoots;

  • The product is allowed for use in organic farming, according to Regulation (EC) 848/2018

  • The preparation is harmless to bees

Recommended dose

Foliar treatment: 1-2 ml/l, 100 ml/ha

Treatment by fertigation: 2 ml/l in 14-20 days after interception of plants

Hydroponic cultivation: 2 ml/l to the hydroponic solution

Seed treatment: corn / sunflower - 800 ml / 100 kg of seeds; wheat - 5-8 ml/kg of seeds to the disinfection solutions.


Azotobacter vinelandii Whitish liquid, pH value: 6.8 – 7.2

Method of use

The product is applicable to all crops. It is applied alone or as an addition to nutrient and other solutions for foliar and root (hydroponic or soil) treatment, as well as for seed and seedling treatment.


Store in rooms without direct sunlight at a temperature of 5-20°C, keep out of the reach of children and animals, separate from food products and feed.

Special requirements

Do not mix with Bordeaux mixture and products based on copper oxychloride.