Microbial products

Microbtima Bloom


The product is a concentrated mixture of beneficial microorganisms, including nitrogen fixers. Activates microbiological processes in the rhizosphere. Its use is a prerequisite for increasing yields. Improves the plant's vital functions by releasing enzymes, phytohormones and other substances stimulating plant metabolism into the medium. It mobilizes nutrients in the soil and improves their assimilation. Accelerates flowering. Increases the number of colors and improves their quality. Increases plant resistance to abiotic and biotic stress.

Improves the overall habit of plants.

Микробтима цъфтеж
  • A concentrated complex of 6 rhizosphere beneficial microbial strains

  • Applied in vegetation, it multiplies the absorption of phosphorus and potassium, and this guarantees the production of more flowering hormones

  • Applied foliarly, it creates a strong bactericidal, fungicidal and insecticidal background on the aerial parts of the plant

  • It contains nitrogen-fixing bacteria that capture atmospheric nitrogen and thereby support nitrogen needs in all phenological phases

  • Applied foliarly or soilally, it increases the total pigment content, accelerates flowering, increases yields and improves the decorative appearance of flowers and shrubs

  • Increases immunity and stimulates plant metabolism

  • It guarantees the rapid passing of the stress provoked by factors in the surrounding biocenosis

  • Applied in the soil or substrate, it activates many microbiological processes

  • Formation of a greater number and larger flowers

  • The product is allowed for use in organic farming, according to Regulation (EC) 848/2018

  • The preparation is harmless to bees


Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus pumilus, Bacillus thuringiensis, Bacillus simplex, Azotobacter vinelandii, S. cerevisiae, with total CFU/ml – up to 10/8.

Method of use

It is applied alone or as an addition to food and other solutions. It is applied foliar and root (hydroponic or soil), as well as for the treatment of seeds and seedlings.

Special requirements

Avoid mixing with bordeaux solution and preparations based on copper oxychloride.