Nitrogen fertilizers


with inhibitor (N 46.2%)
Total nitrogen (N) in % - minimum 46.2
Moisture in % - maximum 0.3
Granulometric composition: 1-4 mm. in % - 99

Inhibition of urea - urease and nitrification.

One of the most important elements for plant nutrition is nitrogen. It is part of the amino acids that form proteins. It is present in the nucleic acids responsible for hereditary traits. Nitrogen is contained in chlorophyll, without which plants cannot absorb solar energy.

But the more nitrate or urea agronomists use in the fields, the greater the losses. The same nitrogen easily escapes into the atmosphere and is washed away with water. Not only are plants not getting the nutrition they need or farmers are running up costs, but the environment is also polluted with nitrates.

The task of reducing nitrogen losses when using mineral fertilizers was set several decades ago. The scientists suggested that growers use nitrification inhibitors. These are active substances that slow down chemical processes in the soil.

After application under agricultural crops, urea undergoes hydrolysis with the formation of ammonium nitrogen. This is facilitated by the soil enzyme - urease. Ammonia is then oxidized to nitrite, and nitrite is oxidized to nitrate.

All these processes are accompanied by the release of 20-60% nitrogen in the form of ammonia NH3, up to 4% in the form of nitrogen oxide N2O and up to 40% in the form of NO. Nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere create a greenhouse effect that leads to the destruction of the ozone layer on our planet. Nitrites and nitrates found in surface and groundwater have a detrimental effect on living beings. Excess nitrates tend to accumulate in plants and cause poisoning in humans.

Therefore, nitrogen must, figuratively speaking, be kept on a short leash. If the fertilizers break down more slowly, the plants will have time to absorb them. What can inhibit the conversion of nitrogen compounds?

NBPT is an innovative product

which blocks soil urease and slows urea hydrolysis. DCD is an agent that reduces the rate of ammonium nitrification. Both inhibitors reduce nitrogen losses and thus increase the efficiency of fertilizer use. Thanks to them, the funds invested in the mineral nutrition of plants can be directed exclusively in the right direction, which is especially important in view of the rising prices of fertilizers.

The urease inhibitor NBPT

acts through the molecule NBTFT - (n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide. When the fertilizer enters the soil, it protects it from urease "attacks". This effect lasts up to 15 days, reducing the release of ammonia during the hydrolysis of urea.

The effectiveness of a urease inhibitor depends on environmental factors. The alkaline reaction of the soil increases the release of ammonia, and the high temperature increases the rate of hydrolysis.

Doctors of biological sciences from Germany, Thomas Mannheim and Nils Berger, who studied the fertilization characteristics of crops with stabilized nitrogen fertilizers, noted that urea treated with NBPT can be applied to the soil surface without incorporation as an advantage of the urease inhibitor and in this case the risk of nitrogen loss due to evaporation is even lower.

DCD, according to the calculations of German scientists, increases the efficiency of fertilizer use by 20%. This allows you to either reduce urea application rates while maintaining yields, or increase yields by 4-6% at the same rates.
DCD – the latest nitrification control. Nitrification inhibitors have been used in agriculture for a long time and are constantly being improved. Scientists are offering more and more effective substances to suppress the nitrification of ammonia with the formation of nitrate.

These inhibitors significantly increase the effectiveness of fertilizers. It reduces nitrate leaching losses, which can reach up to 60% of the amount of nitrogen applied during the rainy season.

The use of inhibitors is also important from an agrotechnical point of view. Nitrogen absorption during the growing season of plants becomes uneven. Its maximum consumption falls on the period of active growth, and in the initial stages of its absorption occurs in very small limits. If fertilizers are applied once, the crop may simply not receive the required amount of nitrogen in the most important periods of development. Inhibitors help solve this problem - they keep nitrogen in the soil and the plant gets everything it needs to form a high-quality crop.

The developed world chooses ecology

In Europe, nitrogen stabilizers have been used for more than 15 years and sales of fertilizers treated with inhibitors are constantly increasing. Their popularity is largely due to the strict framework of environmental legislation that restricts the use of nitrogen fertilizers to reduce the level of nitrates in groundwater and surface water.
In Germany, Spain and Portugal, the concentration of nitrates in groundwater is limited to a norm of 50 mg/l of groundwater, and in Switzerland it is even lower - up to 25 mg/l. Without inhibitors, this would be impossible, because ammonium nitrogen very quickly turns into nitrate and is washed away by precipitation. With inhibited urea, the breakdown of ammonia is prolonged for several weeks, and nitrogen "feeds" the plants, not water and air.
Urease inhibitors prevent or suppress for a certain period of time the conversion of nitrogen amide in urea to ammonium hydroxide and ammonium by the hydrolytic action of the enzyme urease. By slowing the rate at which urea is hydrolyzed in the soil, the loss of volatile ammonia to the air (as well as further loss of nitrate to leaching) is reduced or eliminated. In this way, the efficiency of urea and nitrogen fertilizers containing urea (for example, solution of urea and ammonium nitrate) is increased and any adverse environmental impact of their use is reduced.
It is also used at temperatures of 20-25 degrees without significant losses of nitrogen.
Nitrification inhibitors slow the bacterial oxidation of the ammonium ion (NH4+) by inhibiting the activity of Nitrosomonas bacteria in the soil for a certain time (four to ten weeks). These bacteria convert ammonium ions into nitrite (NO2-), which is further converted into nitrate (NO3-) by Nitrobacter and Nitrosolobus bacteria.
The purpose of using nitrification inhibitors is to control the loss of nitrate by leaching or the formation of nitrogen oxide (N2O) by denitrification from the topsoil, keeping nitrogen in the form of ammonium for longer and thus increasing the efficiency of the use of nitrogen. In addition, nitrification inhibitors - by slowing down the conversion of ammonium to nitrate - avoid undesired high levels of nitrates in plants used for human and animal nutrition.
However, suppression of nitrification will not prevent mineral nitrogen from entering water bodies through direct nitrogen fertilization and assisted nitrogen fertilization.